
FSG Xchange is currently in beta! Let us know if you have any questions or feedback at support@fsgxchange.com.

Exchange money quickly, securely, and at your own rate.

Discover the ease of converting Canadian Dollars to Nigerian Naira on our app as you experience the best exchange rates for your currency needs. Whether you’re looking to convert CAD to Naira or buy CAD with Naira, we’ve got you covered.

smiling man happy to convert naira to cad with ease on FSGX web app

Hassle-free Dollar
to Naira transfers

Exchange CAD to NGN in minutes

Once you find the perfect deal, simply specify the amount you want and click “accept” and your money is exchanged instantly.

Buy or sell at your own rate.

Explore our current deals and discover your perfect match. If none of the existing CAD to Naira and Naira to CAD deals suit your preferences, you can create your own deal at your preferred exchange rate, whether you want to buy Nigerian Naira or sell Canadian dollars.

Simple pricing

Other platforms say they have no fees on exchanges, but the rates they quote have a large margin added under the hood. We simply charge a small fixed percentage on every exchange. Full transparency.


Convert CAD to Naira at the best rates.

The FSG Xchange platform makes it easy to exchange Canadian Dollars to Nigerian Naira or Nigerian Naira to Canadian Dollar. All it takes is a few simple steps outlined below:


Fund your wallet

Add money to your wallet using an instant bank transfer. No credit card required.

Look for deals

Browse through available deals on the marketplace, and filter by rate or amount.

Create your own deal

Not happy with the available rates? You can simply add your own deal to the marketplace.

Exchange confirmed!

Your money is instantly exchanged once you accept an existing deal, or someone accepts yours.

Safe and Secure

Your security is of paramount importance to us. Through a process  of systematic procedures and checks, we ensure you’re always protected.

Identity Verification

We verify all users’ identities before they can make any transactions on the platform – so you know anyone you exchange with is validated.

Balance Pre-Check

All users must have the available funds in their wallet before they create or accept a deal. Never worry about a deal not going through.

Enhanced Security Measures

All your data on our platform is encrypted, and we always add extra checks such as two-factor authentication for any sensitive actions.

Limited data exposure

We don’t require you to enter any sensitive payment information on the platform. Fund your wallet directly from your usual online banking.

The possibilities are endless with FSGX

FSG Xchange is the best way to exchange NGN and CAD. Here are some of the ways you can start using it today.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get started?

Getting started on FSG Xchange is really easy. Just sign up for a free account, and start browsing through deals immediately. Before you can accept and create your own deal, we’ll need to verify your identity.

Which currencies can I exchange on the platform?

Currently, you can only exchange Nigerian Naira and Canadian Dollars. Let us know if you’d like us to add the ability a new currency to the marketplace – we’re always looking to grow!

How does FSG Xchange’s pricing work?

Unlike other platforms, our pricing is very simple! We simply charge a small fixed percentage on every exchange.

How long does it take to make an exchange?

One of the amazing things about FSG Xchange is that exchanges on the platform are instantaneous. Once you accept a deal (or someone accepts yours), the money is instantly transferred to your FSGX wallet.

Is my money secure?

Security is our top priority at FSGX!


We have multiple procedures in place to ensure your money is safe. We verify the identities of all users on the platform, implement extra authentication for any sensitive actions such as withdrawing from your wallet, we don’t require you to provide sensitive payment information, and more!


See our Safe and Secured section above for more.

How do I add funds to my wallet?

For Canadian Dollars (CAD), funding and withdrawing from your FSGX wallet is done via Interac e-Transfer.

For Nigerian Naira (NGN), funding and withdrawing from your FSGX wallet is based on direct bank to bank transfers.

Explore a range of exchange rates on our web app.

Stop settling for inconvenient, slow, and overpriced exchanges! Join FSG Xchange today and put the control in your hands.